Matematikai Programozási és Modellezési Szimpózium. APMOD (APplied mathematical programming and MODelling) is a series of conferences which was started in 1991 due to an initiative of Gautam Mitra at Brunel University/West London. This was then followed by events which were held in Budapest (1993), Brunel (1995), Limassol/Cyprus (1998), Brunel (2000), Varenna/Italy (2002), Brunel (2004), Madrid (2006), Bratislava (2008), Paderborn (2012), and Warwick (2014).
A konferencia sorozat gesztora az INFORMS. INFORMS is the world’s largest professional association dedicated to and promoting best practices and advances in operations research, management science, and analytics to improve operational processes, decision-making, and outcomes
Maros, I.-Mitra G., Eds.(1995): Annalls of Operations Research Volume 58: Applied Mathematical Programming and Modelling II. (APMOD 93). J. C. Baltzer AG, Science, Basel