CRAFT Conference 2021 – CraftHUB

CraftHUB Conference (június 2-4)

Craft is an inclusive and professional conference about software craftship, presenting which tools, methods and practices should be part of the toolbox of a modern developer and company. Our event is serving as a compass on new technologies and trends where you can learn from top-notch international practitioners in our community.

A konferenciát Workshopok kísérik (május 28-június 1)

  1. Workshop – Patrick Kua (May 28) Shortcut to Tech Leadership – May 28 14:30-18:30
  2. CEST Workshop – Uwe Friedrichsen (May 31-June 1)



Rendező szervek:
  • CraftHub Kft.

Online tér

Létrehozva: 2021.05.27. 18:03
Utolsó módosítás: 2022.01.02. 23:37