ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest közép-európai regionális döntője. A nemzetközi versenyt három egymást követő évben (2004, 2005, 2006) Magyarországon rendezték meg.

The ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) is the premiere global programming competition conducted by and for the world ‘s universities. For nearly four decades, ICPC has grown to be a global competitive educational program that has raised aspirations and performance of generations of the world’s problem solvers in computer sciences and engineering.

Teams of three students represent their universities in multiple levels of regional competition. Volunteer coaches prepare their teams with intense training and instruction in algorithms, progranuning and teamwork strategy. Several ICPC universities and ICPC voltmteers provide online judging systems free of charge. Top teams from regional competition advance to the final round.

The competition is sponsored by IBM


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Létrehozva: 2016.04.03. 17:24
Utolsó módosítás: 2017.12.05. 21:17